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A 28-Day Workout Plan to Jumpstart Fat Loss

A 28-Day Workout Plan to Jumpstart Fat Loss

Table of Contents

Is this workout plan suitable for all fitness levels?


Welcome to your 28-day workout plan to jumpstart fat loss. This guide will provide you with a comprehensive overview of how to design an effective program that will help you reach your goals. We’ve also included a helpful FAQ section at the end of this guide in case there’s anything you’re unsure about. So, let’s get started and get ready to jumpstart your fat loss journey!

Week One

Week One is all about setting the foundation for your plan to jumpstart fat loss. You’ll start by focusing on cardiovascular exercises that will help you burn fat and build an aerobic base. To ensure you have the energy and endurance needed for your upcoming workouts, you’ll also increase your caloric intake.

  • Cardio: 30-45 minutes of steady-state cardio (e.g. jogging, biking, swimming, etc.) 3 days per week.

  • Strength: 2 resistance training sessions per week, focusing on full-body exercises, such as squats and lunges.

  • Calorie Intake: Increase your daily calorie intake to maintain a slight caloric surplus.

Week Two

Week Two is all about build strength and conditioning by adding incidentals, intervals and tempo training. Keep up with your steady-state cardio and continue to exercise with weights twice each week.

  • Cardio: 30-45 minutes of steady-state cardio 3-4 days per week, plus intervals and tempo training.

  • Strength: 2 resistance training sessions per week, focusing on full-body exercises, such as squats and lunges.

  • Calorie Intake: Continue to maintain a slight caloric surplus.

Week Three

Week Three is designed to be a tough one, as you take your workouts to the next level. You’ll be adding an additional day of weight training to your weekly routine, as well as increasing the intensity of your interval and tempo training.

  • Cardio: 45-60 minutes of steady-state cardio 4-5 days per week, plus intervals and tempo training.

  • Strength: 3 resistance training sessions per week, focusing on full-body exercises, such as squats and lunges.

  • Calorie Intake: Continue to maintain a slight caloric surplus.

Week Four

You’ve made it to the final week of your workout plan. You’ll focus on adding more difficult exercises to your strength training routine as well as increasing the intensity of your interval and tempo training.

  • Cardio: 45-60 minutes of steady-state cardio 4-5 days per week, plus intervals and tempo training.

  • Strength: 3 resistance training sessions per week, focusing on full-body exercises, such as squats and lunges, as well as advanced exercises for more experienced athletes.

  • Calorie Intake: Continue to maintain a slight caloric surplus.


Q: What is the best way to jumpstart fat loss?

A: The best way to jumpstart fat loss is to combine a healthy diet with a consistent exercise program that includes both cardiovascular and strength training exercises. This guide outlines an effective 28-day program to get you started.

Q: Is it necessary to count calories while following this program?

A: Counting your calories can be very helpful in achieving your fat loss goals. However, it is not necessary to do so while following this program. Instead, focus on eating nutritious, wholesome meals and snacks throughout the day to provide your body with the fuel it needs to get through your workouts.

Q: What exercises are included in this program?

A: This program includes a mix of both cardiovascular and strength training exercises. Cardio exercises include steady-state cardio (e.g. jogging, biking, swimming, etc.) and intervals and tempo training. Strength training exercises focus on full-body movements, such as squats and lunges. Advanced exercises may be added in the fourth week for more experienced athletes.

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