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EMS: Can it Help You Lose Weight?

EMS: Can it Help You Lose Weight?

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EMS: Can it Help You Lose Weight?

What is EMS – Electromagnetic Muscle Stimulation?

Electromagnetic Muscle Stimulation or EMS is a highly effective technology used to activate your muscles without over-straining them. It is a non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical way to boost your metabolism, tone your muscles and reduce fat without any negative side-effects.

How can EMS Help You Lose Weight?

Since EMS activates your muscles, it helps you burn more calories, while also toning your body. EMS also increases the level of oxygen your body can deliver to your muscles, making it easier for your body to use fat as an energy source.

The more muscle you build and the higher your metabolic rate, the more calories you burn, even when resting. This means that EMS can be an effective tool for weight loss, as it helps you to burn more calories and increase your metabolism.

MYFITAPE – Making EMS Weight Loss Easier

At MYFITAPE, we offer tailored, online weight loss services which make use of EMS technology. Our programmes are designed to help you reach your specific goals and to give you a sense of control over your body. Our sessions are made up of 1-on-1 training, personalised diets and weekly progress updates.

Book Online

Our booking process is simple and straightforward. You can book your EMS sessions online and select the type of session you would like. We have a variety of options available, so you can choose which type of workout is best suited for you.


Are EMS weight loss programmes safe?

Yes, EMS is a non-invasive and safe way to achieve weight loss.

How often should I do EMS sessions?

It is recommended that you do 1-2 sessions a week for maximum results.

How long does each session last?

Each session lasts for 30 minutes.

Will I need to follow a diet?

Yes, in order for the EMS sessions to be effective, it is recommended that you follow a healthy and balanced diet. Our team of nutrition specialists can provide advice on the suitable diets for you.

What is the evidence that EMS can help with weight loss?

Studies have shown that EMS can promote weight loss by increasing metabolic rate and fat oxidation. In a study of 20 obese women, researchers found that after training with EMS, the women lost an average of 3 kilograms in six weeks, while there was no significant loss in a control group of women who did not use EMS. Additionally, a similar study of 20 obese men showed that those who performed EMS exercises three times per week for four months lost an average of 4.5 kilograms compared to a control group who only performed normal physical exercise. In addition to weight loss, EMS has been linked to improved muscle strength, cardiorespiratory fitness, and overall body composition.

What types of exercises can be included in an EMS program to promote weight loss?

An EMS program to promote weight loss can include a range of exercises related to strengthening, stretching, and cardiovascular activities. Examples of exercises that can be used to promote weight loss include:

• Squats

• Lunges

• Push-Ups

• Triceps Dips

• Plank

• Burpees

• Mountain Climbers

• Step-Ups

• Hip Raises

• Resistance Band Training

• Jump Rope

• High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

• Plyometric Exercises

• Core-Training Exercises

• Cardiovascular Exercises (Jogging, Biking, Swimming, etc.)

How does EMS achieve weight loss?

EMS (Electronic Muscle Stimulation) is a form of exercise that uses electric impulses to contract and relax muscles. The impulses cause the muscles to contract and relax in a way that closely mimics a natural workout. By using EMS, it’s possible to replicate the effects of a regular workout session in a much shorter amount of time. The activity of these impulses stimulates the metabolism, which helps to burn calories and fat in the process. The contractions of the muscles also create micro-tears that help strengthen and tone the muscles. As an overall result of all of this, EMS provides an effective way to achieve weight loss and fitness goals.

Can EMS be used in combination with other weight-loss techniques for greater effects?

Yes, EMS can be used in combination with other weight-loss strategies such as diet and exercise for greater effects. Incorporating EMS into a comprehensive weight-loss program can help to maximize the results. It has been shown to increase fat loss and muscle strength, while also helping to reduce physical fatigue. Additionally, EMS can help mobilize fat and improve muscle tone, helping to create a more sculpted physique.

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