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“Home Ab Workouts in Dubai: 10 Exercises to Tone Your Core”

"Home Ab Workouts in Dubai: 10 Exercises to Tone Your Core"

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Home Ab Workouts in Dubai: 10 Exercises to Tone Your Core

If you’re living in Dubai and looking for a way to stay fit and tone your abs, then home ab workouts are the perfect solution for you. Working out at home is becoming increasingly popular, as it’s convenient and you can do it well outside the gym. You don’t need any expensive equipment either – all you need is your body, some space and some determination.

Try these 10 exercises to get started:

  1. Plank: Works your core and your entire body. Get into the plank position, press your hands on the mat, activate your core, hold the pose for 30 to 60 seconds, and make sure your arms don’t bend or relax.

  2. Push Up: Lay flat on your stomach, place your hands on the ground, and lift your body off the ground. Support the weight of your body on your hands and toes. Be sure to keep your back straight and your core engaged.

  3. Sit Ups: Lay on your back with your legs bent and feet flat on the ground. Place your hands behind your head, then lift your torso upwards – engaging your abdominals. Slowly lower down, and repeat.

  4. Leg Raises: Lay on your back with your arms extended out on either side. Lift your legs up together, with your legs close together, until they are pointing straight up in the air. Lower your legs, and repeat. Keep your core engaged throughout.

  5. Bicycle Crunches: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Place your hands behind your head, lift your shoulders off the floor, and bring your right elbow towards your left knee. Straighten your right leg and simultaneously bring your left elbow to your right knee, and repeat.

  6. Reverse Crunches: Lay flat on your back with your arms at your sides and your legs bent. lift your legs off the ground and raise them towards your chest. Return to the starting position and repeat.

  7. Mountain Climbers: Get into a push-up position, with your hands and feet on the ground. Lift your right knee towards your chest and then back to the starting position. Alternately, switch your legs and keep repeating. Make sure to keep your core engaged.

  8. V-Ups: Lie on your back with your arms straight and legs together. Lift your arms and legs up at the same time and try to touch them together over your body. Lower your arms and legs and repeat the exercise.

  9. Crunches: Lay on your back with your feet flat on the ground. Place your hands behind your head and contract your core as you lift your torso up and towards your knees. Hold this position and then return to the starting position.

  10. Hip Raises: Start by lying down on your back with your feet flat on the ground and hands on your sides. Lift your lower body and hips off the ground, hold the posture, and then slowly lower your hips back to the ground. Repeat the exercise.

Myfitape – The best Personal-Trainer services & Solutions

Myfitape is a comprehensive digital platform that provides home workouts to a community of fitness seekers. We provide personalised training programmes, workout videos, nutrition plans and much more, designed to help people reach their fitness goals.

At Myfitape, we prepare digital-based personalized training and diet plans. We offer personal training services both in person and online and our range of services are suitable for all kinds of fitness levels, from beginners to advanced athletes.

Our mission is to help people live a healthier life and feel empowered and inspired to reach their fitness goals. With Myfitape, you can find the right personal trainer or nutritionist in Dubai to ensure you stay motivated and keep track of your progress. We offer online consultations and workouts that you can do right from the comfort of your own home.


Home workouts can be an effective and convenient way of staying fit and toning your abs. Dubai offers a great variety of home ab workouts, such as planks, crunches, push-ups, and leg raises. With Myfitape, you can find personalised training plans and workout videos that best suit your specific fitness goals.

Myfitape provides personal training services both in person and online, which can help you stay motivated and reach your fitness goals. So if you’re looking for home ab workouts to stay fit and toned, Myfitape is the perfect solution.

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