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Stop Drinking Alcohol: See How Much Weight You Can Lose

Stop Drinking Alcohol: See How Much Weight You Can Lose

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Stop Drinking Alcohol: See How Much Weight You Can Lose with Myfitape

It’s no secret that when you stop drinking alcohol you can see a big impact on your overall health and weight loss goals. When you cut out alcohol you remove excess sugar and calories, which can lead to weight loss and improved health.

At Myfitape, we know how hard it can be to quit drinking and stick to your weight loss goals. That’s why we provide specialised services designed to help you stay motivated and on track with your goals. Here’s a look at how our services can help you on your journey to sobriety and weight loss.

1. Nutrition Counselling

Our experienced nutrition counsellors can help you make lifestyle changes to reduce your alcohol consumption and focus on healthier eating habits. Through weekly one-on-one sessions, we can help you create food and drink plans that can lead to improved energy and a healthier body weight.

2. Exercise Programmes

With Myfitape you have access to a range of exercise programmes specifically designed to help you lose weight when you quit drinking. Our programmes are designed by top exercise professionals, and can help you build a healthy exercise routine that fits into a sober lifestyle.

3. Support Group

Myfitape offers an online support group for members who want to make changes to their life but don’t always have the resources to make it happen. Our support group provides members with access to community advice and support, as well as advice from our team of experts.

How To Book Services On Myfitape

Booking services on Myfitape is easy. Simply go to the website, select the service you’d like to book, and follow the steps to make an appointment. You can pay in one of four ways, including credit card, debit card, PayPal and Bitcoin.


Q: How long do I have to quit drinking in order to see results?

A: Everyone is different, so it’s impossible to predict how long it will take to see results. However, you should generally start to feel the benefits of quitting drinking (e.g. improved energy and weight loss) within a couple of weeks.

Q: Can I still drink in moderation?

A: Generally, it’s best to cut out alcohol completely if you’re trying to lose weight. If you’re going to drink, it’s important to be mindful and stick to moderate amounts.

Q: What other lifestyle changes can I make to support healthy weight loss?

A: We recommend focusing on lifestyle changes that will help you create healthy habits, such as exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, drinking enough water and eating a balanced diet.

What are the most effective methods for kicking an alcohol addiction?

The most effective methods for kicking an alcohol addiction include:

1. Seeking professional help and support — Seeing a trained mental health professional like a counselor, therapist, or addiction specialist can provide you with specialized resources, treatment plans, and support as you work to overcome your addiction.

2. Participation in a sober-living community — Joining a recovery program or sober-living community of like-minded people can provide a sense of connection and understanding, while helping to ease the isolation that often accompanies alcohol addiction.

3. Regular attendance at 12-step meetings — 12-step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous, SMART Recovery, and Women for Sobriety offer support and guidance as you work toward sobriety.

4. Healthy coping and distraction techniques — Setting up healthy distractions for yourself can help prevent relapse and create new, sober habits. Examples include activities like healthy eating, getting exercise, and participating in hobbies.

5. Developing an alcohol-free social life — Spending time with both old and new friends that don’t participate in drinking can create positive support and accountability, which can help keep you from relapse.

6. Practice mindfulness — Mindfulness practices like meditation, prayer, and relaxing breathing exercises can help reduce stress and focus on the present moment. This can help you become more aware of your thoughts, feelings, and impulses, as well as banish any cravings and desires to drink.

Can I still lose weight if I continue to drink alcohol, but in moderation?

Yes, you can still lose weight if you drink alcohol in moderation. Most studies have shown that moderate drinking does not interfere with weight loss, provided that the calories consumed from alcohol are not excessive and that you maintain a healthy overall diet. However, it is important to remember that alcohol can contribute to weight gain if it is not consumed in moderation, since a single drink can contain up to 200 calories.

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