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6-Day Fat Loss Workout Split: The Ultimate Guide!

6-Day Fat Loss Workout Split: The Ultimate Guide!

Table of Contents

Are you looking to shed some extra calories? Then you’ve come to the right place! This ultimate guide will provide you with all the knowledge you need to get started with a 6-Day Fat Loss Workout Split. We will provide you with tips and tricks to set up your own schedule and get the most out of your workouts.

What is a 6-Day Fat Loss Workout Split?

A 6-Day Fat Loss Workout Split is a strategy for organizing your workouts in order to lose fat and gain muscle. This type of split involves three days of full-body strength training, two days of HIIT, and one day of rest. On each day, you would focus on different muscle groups. This type of split allows for more frequent work sessions, meaning you are more likely to stay consistent and reach your fitness goals.

Benefits of 6-Day Fat Loss Workout Split

  • You will burn more calories in less time.

  • You will increase your strength and improve your muscle composition.

  • You can make it easier to stick to a workout routine, as the shorter sessions make it more manageable.

  • You can work different muscle groups in a shorter amount of time.

How to Structure Your Workouts

To structure your 6-Day Fat Loss Workout Split, you will want to focus on hitting every major muscle group in each session. A typical day would involve 2-3 sets of compound exercises targeting different muscle groups. You can also use isolation exercises – like bicep curls – to isolate and train specific muscles. This can help you achieve more specific results.

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a great way to maximize fat loss. With HIIT, you will perform short bursts of intense exercises like sprints or jumps, followed by short rest periods. This will help you burn more calories in a shorter amount of time.


Q: How many days a week should I do this workout?

A: We recommend a 6-Day Fat Loss Workout Split, with 3 days of strength training, two days of HIIT, and one day of rest. This will help you maximize fat loss while also giving your body ample time to rest and recover.

Q: Can I do this workout at home?

A: Yes! You can do this workout at home, with or without weights. If you don’t have access to weights, you can use your own body weight or household items such as furniture or books to give you some resistance.

Q: How long should each workout session last?

A: Each session should last between 30-60 minutes. However, if you have limited time, you can do shorter, more intense sessions of 15-20 minutes.

Q: What should I eat for optimal fat loss results?

A: A healthy and balanced diet is key for fat-loss results. Eat a variety of lean proteins, vegetables, and healthy fats. Make sure to get plenty of fiber and hydrate with plenty of water. Also, be sure to limit processed foods and sugar to optimize your results.


The 6-Day Fat Loss Workout Split is a great way to maximize fat-loss and gain muscle. With this routine, you will be able to hit all major muscle groups in less time and focus on high-intensity interval training to maximize your results. With the help of this guide, you should be able to set up your own schedule and get the most out of your workouts.

Are there any particular exercises that should be avoided while doing this split?

Each workout split may have its own individual requirements, and exercises that may be suitable for one split may not necessarily be suitable for another. It is always recommended to speak to an expert such as a coach or personal trainer before starting workout programs to ensure the best possible results. A qualified coach can help you identify which exercises to do and which ones to avoid depending on your individual fitness level and goals.

How should sets, reps, and weights be adjusted to optimize fat loss?

When trying to optimize fat loss, it is important to focus on proper nutrition first. Once nutrition is in place, exercises should be chosen with a focus on building and maintaining muscle mass. To maximize the fat-burning effect of exercise, sets, reps, and weights should be adjusted accordingly. Lower reps (8-12) and higher weights should be used when focusing on muscle-building and maintenance, as this helps to boost metabolism and create a calorie deficit in the body. When focusing on fat loss, higher reps (15-20) with lighter weights should be used; this causes the body to burn more calories for fuel and increases the amount of fat being burned. Additionally, cardio exercises (such as running, HIIT, cycling, etc.) should be included in a fat loss program, as these help to burn extra calories and increase the metabolism.

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