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Best Ab Workouts for Women at Home in Dubai: 5 Exercises for a Strong Core

Best Ab Workouts for Women at Home in Dubai: 5 Exercises for a Strong Core

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Best Ab Workouts for Women at Home in Dubai: 5 Exercises for a Strong Core

With the pandemic still a reality, there are many restrictions impacting where and how we exercise. With temperatures soaring in Dubai, it’s often difficult to justify working out outdoors. Fortunately, there are many effective ways to exercise at home that don’t require any equipment. Here are 5 of the best ab workouts for women in Dubai.

Exercise 1: Plank

The plank is a great, no-equipment exercise anyone can do at home. To start, get into a push up position, but bend your elbows and rest your weight on your forearms instead of your hands. Hold your body in a straight line from head to heels and engage your abdominals. Make sure you don’t let your hips drop or rise, and hold this position for 25-30 seconds. Work your way up to 1 minute for each plank.

Exercise 2: Elbow Plank Twists

This exercise combines the traditional plank with a twister move to engage your core abdominals even more. Begin in the elbow plank position with your elbows pointing out. Bend your left knee, then twist your body to bring your left knee across to the side of your right elbow. Return to the centre and repeat with your right knee and left elbow. Alternate for 30-60 seconds.

Exercise 3: Side Plank with a Leg Lift

Begin in a side plank position with your feet stacked on top of each other and your right elbow under the shoulder. Make sure your shoulder is directly over the elbow. Lift the top leg up, flex the toes and hold this position for 5-10 seconds. Lower the leg and repeat on the other side. Repeat 8-10 times on each side.

Exercise 4: Bicycle Crunches

Lie on your back with your hands behind your head and your legs bent at a right angle in the air. Bring your left knee towards your chest and twist your upper body so your left elbow meets your knee. Then, return to the starting position and switch sides. Continue cycling your arms and legs for 30-60 seconds. This is an excellent exercise to help strengthen your core.

Exercise 5: Russian Twist

Sit on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Lean back so that your torso forms a V-shape with your thighs. Put your hands together in front of you and twist from side to side to bring the sides of your arms towards the floor on either side. Twist 10-15 times on each side.

MYFITAPE is an easy-to-use fitness tracker and personal coaching app that creates personalized training plans to help women reach their fitness and health goals. With MYFITAPE, you can track your ab workouts, access personalized nutrition plans and join live or pre-recorded classes (both in person and online) to help motivate you to keep going.

Personal training services are also an excellent way to boost your motivation and get customized advice from an expert in order to achieve your desired results. Personal training services, and the ability to book a session in person or online, is available on the MYFITAPE platform and many other fitness services.

These 5 exercises can help strengthen and tone your core, and with consistent effort, you can achieve an impressive set of abs that makes you feel proud. Make sure to follow a healthy diet and stay well hydrated, and you’ll be ready to show off your new abs in no time!

What are the best ab workouts for women to do at home in Dubai?

The best ab workouts for women to do at home in Dubai are planks, sit-ups, crunches, mountain climbers, leg raises, Russian twists, side-plank raises, and hanging leg raises. Some of these exercises may require the use of a yoga mat, some exercise equipment, or weights. Depending on the level of difficulty of each exercise, you may modify them to fit your own needs. You can also look for online tutorials and videos for help.

Are there any modifications for the ab exercises for beginners?

Yes. Whilst it is important for beginners to do ab exercises to help them gain core strength, these exercises can be modified to reduce the risk of injury or overexertion. Beginners should focus on bodyweight exercises such as planks and bridges, and can start with crunches and other more advanced exercises in small increments. Exercises can be further modified with assistance from a trainer or exercise ball to increase stability. Additionally, the duration of the exercises should be tailored to the individual’s level of fitness and experience.

How can incorporating ab workouts into your routine improve your overall fitness?

Incorporating ab workouts into your routine can improve your overall fitness in several ways. The abdominal muscles are responsible for stabilizing the body and providing core strength, so when they are strong, it reduces the likelihood of injury while working out or participating in physical activities. Additionally, ab workouts can improve posture, which will help to reduce the risk of sms back issues and aid in digestion. Lastly, strong ab muscles can help you achieve better body definition, leading to an overall better aesthetic appearance.

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