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Can Eating Hummus Help You Lose Weight?

Can Eating Hummus Help You Lose Weight?

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Can Eating Hummus Help You Lose Weight?

Consuming hummus as part of a healthy diet is a great idea for those who wish to lose weight. Hummus is made from cooked, mashed chickpeas that are blended with tahini, olive oil, and a variety of other spices and flavors. It is rich in fiber and protein, and provides a number of essential vitamins and minerals.

Here are some of the ways that eating hummus can help you lose weight:

1. Low-calorie food

Hummus is low in calories, which makes it an ideal food for weight loss. A single serving of store-bought hummus (2 tablespoons) contains only about 70 calories. Even when dipped into and spread on other foods, the calorie count remains relatively low.

2. High in nutrition

Hummus is packed with nutrition that fills you up with fewer calories. It is a rich source of fiber, protein, and healthy fats. The high-fiber content helps control hunger, and the proteins, fats, and complex carbs will keep you feeling full for longer.

3. Versatile food

Hummus is a versatile food that can be enjoyed in many ways. It can be used as a dip for vegetables or spread on sandwiches and wraps. It can also be used as a substitute for butter or mayonnaise, in recipes like pasta and potato salad.

MYFITAPE Weight Loss Services

If you’re looking to lose weight and eat healthy, MYFITAPE offers a variety of nutrition and weight-loss services tailored to your specific needs. Our team of health and fitness professionals will help you set realistic goals, design a diet plan that includes hummus, and develop an exercise routine.

How To Book on MYFITAPE Platform

Booking an appointment with MYFITAPE is easy. Simply visit our website and fill out a short form with your contact information. We’ll get in touch with you to schedule an in-person consultation or virtual appointment with any of our experts.


Q: Is hummus a healthy food for weight-loss?

Yes, hummus is a healthy food for weight loss as it has a low-calorie count and is packed with nutrition that fills you up with fewer calories.

Q: Does MYFITAPE offer nutrition and weight-loss services?

Yes, MYFITAPE offers a variety of nutrition and weight-loss services tailored to your specific needs. Our team of health and fitness professionals will help you set realistic goals and design a diet plan that includes hummus.

Q: How do I book an appointment with MYFITAPE?

Booking an appointment with MYFITAPE is easy. Simply visit our website and fill out a short form with your contact information. We’ll get in touch with you to schedule an in-person consultation or virtual appointment with any of our experts.

Are there any potential risks associated with eating hummus for weight loss?

Potential risks associated with eating hummus for weight loss include consuming too many calories, becoming too reliant on hummus as a single source of nutrition, and not properly vetting the ingredients of the hummus. Although hummus does provide a variety of healthy nutrients, it is still a high-calorie food and can lead to weight gain when consumed in excess. Additionally, hummus should not be relied upon as a primary source of nutrition as it is not complete in its nutrition offering. Finally, it is important to check the ingredients in store-bought hummus as some may contain unhealthy additives like added sugar or unhealthy fats.

How much hummus should an individual incorporate into their diet for weight loss benefits?

It is recommended to consume one to two tablespoons of hummus per day as part of a weight loss diet. Hummus is a low-calorie food that is high in fiber, protein, and healthy fats, which can help keep you feeling full and can promote weight loss.

Does eating hummus help with long-term weight loss goals?

Eating hummus can potentially help with long-term weight loss goals, as hummus is a healthy snack option that is high in protein and fiber. These ingredients help to fill you up and make you feel fuller for longer periods of time, which can prevent overeating. Eating hummus as part of a balanced diet, along with regular physical activity, can help to promote healthy and sustainable weight loss goals.

How does hummus compare with other healthy snacks for weight loss?

Hummus is a great, healthy snack for weight loss because it is high in protein, fiber, and healthy fats, which help to keep you full for longer. It’s also low in calories and carbohydrates, so it won’t spike your blood sugar. However, hummus should still be enjoyed in moderation as part of an overall healthy diet for best weight loss results. Other healthy snacks for weight loss include veggies and dip, nuts, fruits, and Greek yogurt.

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