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“Chest Workouts at Home: How to Build Your Pecs in Dubai”

"Chest Workouts at Home: How to Build Your Pecs in Dubai"

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Chest Workouts at Home: How to Build Your Pecs in Dubai

Chest Workouts at Home: How to Build Your Pecs in Dubai

Are you living in Dubai and looking for ways to build and strengthen your pectoral muscles? You don’t need to join a gym to and use expensive machines to do it. Here are some chest workouts that you can do any time at home!

Chest Press

This is a simple yet effective exercise to strengthen your pecs, as well as your shoulders and triceps. All you need is a chair and some wall space. First, sit in the chair and press your back against the wall, putting your hands flat against the wall at shoulder level. Now, push your hands away from the wall in the same manner you would do with a bench press machine at the gym. Keep your body still and perform the bench press for 3 sets of 10-12 reps.

Incline Pushup

Incline pushups are another great way to build your pecs. This exercise targets the upper chest, and all you need is a sturdy chair, stairs, or a knee-high bench. Place your hands on the chair and walk your feet back until your body is in an angled position. Now lower yourself towards the chair and press yourself back up, squeezing your chest and upper back on every rep. Do this for 3 sets of 10-12 reps for best results.


Flyes are an excellent chest exercise and are great for isolating the muscles in your chest. To do a fly, you’ll need dumbbells. Start with your arms stretched out in front and the weights in each hand. Without moving your elbows, bring your arms together until the weights touch each other. Pause for a second, then return to your starting position. Make sure to keep a good form if you’re using heavier weights, and complete 3 sets of 10-12 reps.


While this exercise mainly targets your core muscles, planks are great for developing your chest and back muscles as well. Get into a plank position with your arms and shoulders straight and your elbows directly under your shoulders. Hold this position for 30 seconds and make sure to engage your core and keep your body still. Do planks 3 times with a 30-second interval between each one.

Get Personalized Workouts with an Online Trainer

If you’re looking for personalized chest workouts tailored to your goals, then getting an online trainer is the best way to go about it. Thankfully, there are a lot of personal trainers available online in Dubai.

MyFITAPE is one of the leading online personal trainers in Dubai, offering tailored coaching plans for any fitness goal. Their coaches have years of experience and knowledge of various strength training practices that you can use to build and strengthen your chest muscles.

Best of all, you can now get one-on-one access to your own personal coach even if you’re in Dubai. MyFITAPE allows you to book a live session and get personalized feedback every step of the way. That way, you can make sure you’re staying on track with your workouts and achieve your goals in no time!

Final Thoughts

Building your chest muscles can be a challenging process. With a bit of dedication and the right exercises, you can get stronger and stronger every day. Thanks to online coaching services like MyFITAPE, you now have the opportunity to get personalized training and advice even if you’re living in Dubai. So if you’re serious about getting that muscle definition and strength you’re looking for, don’t hesitate to book a session with one of their trainers now!

What are some effective chest workouts that can be done at home without any equipment?

1. Push-ups: Regular push-ups are a great chest workout that can be done at home with no equipment.

2. Wall Push-ups: This variation on the traditional push-up requires you to lean up against a wall instead of the floor.

3. Chair Dips: This bodyweight exercise requires a chair or bench. You place your hands on the seat of the chair and raise yourself up and down.

4. Chest Flys: Lie flat on your back and press your palms together above your chest. As you lower your arms to the sides, keep the palms together until your elbows touch the floor.

5. Resistance Band Chest Press: You can use a door anchor to secure a resistance band to perform chest presses. You can target different parts of your chest depending on the way you position your arms.

Can chest workouts at home replace gym workouts in Dubai?

Yes, it is possible to replace gym workouts with chest workouts at home in Dubai. While there are certain exercises that are difficult to do at home without utilizing gym equipment, there are many chest exercises that can be done with minimal equipment or no equipment at all. This includes exercises like push-ups, planks, and chest flyes. Having appropriate form and technique with bodyweight exercises is key for achieving the desired results. Additionally, combining bodyweight exercises with resistance bands, free weights, and machines can give you a full-body workout at home.

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