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Full-Body Workout: At-Home Fat Loss Guide

Full-Body Workout: At-Home Fat Loss Guide

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Whether you’re looking to lose fat without a gym or get a good sweat in at home, this guide is here to help. Read on to get the basics of a full-body workout routine you can do anywhere!


Cardio is the foundation of any fat loss workout. To get started, you’ll want to do 20-30 minutes of steady-state cardio. This can be anything from running outside to swimming or biking, or if you’re at home, you can do things like jumping rope, jogging on the spot, or high-intensity cardio workouts like tabata or HIIT. Aim for 3-4 days a week.

Strength Training

Strength training is an essential part of fat loss, as it not only helps you build muscle, but also increases your metabolism which helps you burn more calories. Aim for 2-3 times a week, and focus on compound movements such as squats, deadlifts, presses, and rows. These are all easy to do at home with no equipment, but you can also grab some resistance bands or some weights if you want to mix things up.

Core Exercises

A strong core is essential for balance, posture, and reducing injuries. Incorporate core exercises into your routine, such as planks, side planks, sit-ups, birddogs, and leg lifts. Aim for 2-3 days a week.


Don’t forget that nutrition is key to fat loss! Make sure you’re eating a balanced diet, with plenty of protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. Keep portions in check, and focus on eating whole, natural, and unprocessed foods.


How often should I train each week?

Aim for 3-4 days of cardiovascular training and 2-3 days of strength training each week. Add in 2-3 of core exercises as well.

What foods should I eat?

Focus on eating a balanced diet of whole, unprocessed foods, with plenty of protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates.

How long should each workout be?

Your workouts should be around 45 minutes to an hour, including 20-30 minutes of cardiovascular training and 15-20 minutes of strength training.

What type of full-body exercises should I include in my at-home fat loss routine?

If you are looking to lose fat from your body, full-body exercises are the key; this type of exercise translates to burning more calories overall. Popular full-body exercises include jump squats, push-ups, mountain climbers, burpees, chest presses, tricep dips, kettlebell swings, split lunges, and plank jacks. Incorporating bodyweight exercises such as these can help you build lean muscle while burning fat. HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) and Tabata training are great ways to incorporate full-body workouts into your fat loss routine.

How often should I perform my full-body workout for optimal fat loss results?

For optimal fat loss results, it is recommended to perform a full-body workout on at least three days per week. If you feel up for it, you can also do more frequent, shorter workouts. The key is to maintain consistency in the frequency, intensity, and duration of your workout.

What are some tips to help me stay motivated while performing an at-home fat loss regimen?

1. Set realistic, achievable goals. Break down larger goals into smaller, more achievable goals to give yourself a greater chance of success.

2. Establish a routine. Creating a consistent workout schedule will help provide structure and prevent boredom.

3. Prepare meals ahead of time. Meal prepping and planning ahead of time can help ensure that you have healthy and nutritious meals ready to go.

4. Track your progress. By recording your workouts and/or meals, you can easily see any improvements or set backs in your progress.

5. Celebrate your successes. Acknowledge the small wins, even if you only made it to the gym twice this week, give yourself a pat on the back.

6. Utilize technology. There are plenty of apps and websites that can provide you with the support and guidance you need to stay motivated.

7. Find a workout partner. Just as having an accountability partner (friend or family member) can be helpful for staying on track with other kinds of goals, having a workout partner to check in with you can be great for keeping you motivated.

Are there any additional tools I need to incorporate into my at-home fat loss routine?

Yes, some additional tools that may be useful for an at-home fat loss routine include resistance bands, kettlebells, medicine balls, a skipping rope, and a foam roller. These tools can help you increase physical activity and help you reach your goals faster.

How long should my full-body workouts typically last?

Full-body workouts should typically last around 45-60 minutes, depending on how many exercises you do, how long you rest, and the intensity of your workout. You also want to make sure you are including adequate stretching and strength-training exercises.

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