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Gym Plan to Help Shed Pounds: Male Edition

Gym Plan to Help Shed Pounds: Male Edition

Table of Contents


Welcome to the . While it can seem hard to know where to begin, by following the specific guidelines outlined in this guide, you can create a tailored gym plan to help you reach your fitness and weight loss goals.

Create a Goal

Before you start your personal gym plan, it is important to create a single definitive goal. A SMART goal is a great place to start, which stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timely.

  • S – Specific: Determine a concrete goal for which you can measure progress.

  • M – Measurable: List the milestones necessary to achieve the desired outcome.

  • A – Achievable: Have realistic expectations.

  • R – Relevant: Choose a goal that is important to your own needs and desires.

  • T – Timely: Make sure to note a timeline of when the steps necessary to achieving the goal should take place.

For example: “I want to lose 15 pounds in three months with a focus on building muscle.”

Create an Exercise Plan

Now that you’ve laid out your goal, the next step is to develop an exercise plan to help you achieve it. Break up your goal into smaller achievable steps such as a weekly or biweekly plan.

Focus on Strength Training

When designing your personal exercise plan for weight loss, focus on getting the proper ratio of strength and cardio. This ratio should mostly favor the earliest forms of exercise. Aim for a strength-training program that targets major muscle groups such as the legs, back, abdominals, arms, and chest. Incorporating a variety of different exercises during each session can help you build endurance and strength. You may also want to incorporate interval training as part of your workout to help you burn more calories efficiently.

Incorporate Cardio

Once you have a solid base in strength training, incorporate cardio into your routine. Incorporate both low and high intensity forms of exercise such as jogging, biking, and swimming. When increasing the intensity, make sure to adjust the duration as well. Aim for quick, intense exercises that last between 15 to 30 minutes.

Eat a Balanced Diet

Once you have built up your physical activity routine, it is important to adjust your diet in order to reach your weight loss goal. Start the day with a balanced breakfast and aim for at least three meals per day. A balanced diet should contain proteins, carbohydrates, and fats from a variety of foods. Eat smart by incorporating lean proteins, such as chicken and fish, whole grains, and plenty of fruits and vegetables.


Q: How long should my workouts be?

A: Your workouts should typically last between 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on the intensity of your routine.

Q: How often should I workout?

A:It is recommended to aim for 3-4 workouts per week.

Q: What should I focus on while exercising?

A: Focus on building strength through different forms of exercise such as weightlifting and interval training. Follow up with cardio workouts to increase the intensity and duration of your exercises.

Q: How many calories should I eat?

A: As a general rule of thumb, men should aim to consume 2,500 -3,000 calories per day. However, this is based on activity level and individual body requirements.


By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create and stick to a tailored gym plan to help you shed pounds. Utilize the SMART goal technique, focus on strength training, incorporate cardio, and make sure to include a balanced diet plan in your routine. With some determination and self-discipline, you can reach your weight loss goals in no time. Good luck!

What equipment is recommended for the plan?

The equipment recommended for the plan is a jump rope, a set of resistance bands, a set of dumbbells or kettlebells, a yoga mat, an exercise ball, and a good pair of athletic shoes.

Are there any specific nutrition guidelines included in the plan?

Yes, there are specific nutrition guidelines included in the plan. The Whole30 nutrition plan recommends eating a balanced diet that focuses on whole, unprocessed foods. Specifically, it encourages eating lean proteins, healthy fats, fruits, vegetables, and other nutrient-dense foods. It also focuses on avoiding added sugars, refined grains, processed foods, and artificial ingredients. Additionally, it suggests limiting alcohol consumption, avoiding certain food groups such as dairy, and severely limiting processed foods.

What exercises are included in the gym plan?

The gym plan includes cardio exercises, strength training exercises, stretching exercises, and balance and core exercises. Some examples of cardio exercises are running, swimming, biking, and elliptical machines. Examples of strength training exercises are weight lifting, bodyweight exercises, and resistance machines. Stretching exercises can help improve flexibility, and examples of balance and core exercises are yoga poses and planks.

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